
Friday 1 January 2016

New Year's Goalolutions

That doesn't sound quite right.  But they don't really work if I call them 'resolutions', do they?  They're more goals, so maybe we'll stick with that.  I've butchered the English language more than enough already.

How did I do last year?


  1. Read at least 30 books this year.  I said last year I was trying to read more because I could remember when I didn't have time to read.  Well... in the end I didn't get much time to read.  I've read 19 so far, which is still pretty respectable--although a lot of people would want me stoned to death for considering something so low to be 'respectable'.
  2. Write one story a week, or at least 20 stories for the year.  Thanks to Blogging From A-Z I actually managed this with 24 stories.  Admittedly they weren't one a week (to bring me up to 52), more one(-ish) a day for a month even with gross sinusitis, but I still sort of did it.
  3. Finish outstanding projects.  Nope.  Additionally, I've quit writing with a view to publishing and am not intending on sharing any other stories.
  4. Finish 5 computer games.  Before The Echo; Decay - The Mare; Digital - A Love Story; Tales From The Borderlands (sob); The Fall; The Room; DanganRonpa; DanganRonpa 2; Dragon Age: Inquisition; Gears of War: Ultimate Edition; Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3; Until Dawn and COD: Advanced Warfare.  Yep, I'd say I've done that... and I still have loads of games to finish too.
  5. Handwrite more and practice calligraphy.  Between work and apparently all those games, this one fell a bit by the wayside, but I did do a little recently and found I'm nowhere near as rusty as I expected to be.  I really do need better quality paper for it though.  This really is one of those hobbies where the quality of your materials is important--poor quality paper just bleeds around the letters.
  6. Make more jewellery.  Not in the way I was expecting, but I learned to sew beadwork and made more that way.  I also made some metal accessories for doll clothing.
  7. Try to be better at advertising myself.  See #3.
  8. Stop being a whiny self-pitying shite.   This is a losing battle and I may as well give up.

So, what are this year's resolutions?

Shorter than last year's, for a start.

  1. Read at least 30 books this year.  Since I couldn't manage it this year it seems a good one to stick at.  With added bonus points for: finish two of the books that are/have become incredibly boring.  i.e. anything on my Goodreads 'Currently Reading' list that's been there for six months or more.  There's... at least three of them?  Probably more by this time next year.
  2. Try to enjoy writing again and hopefully finish off some stuff that's incomplete, just for myself.  Turns out I enjoy finishing stories, I just never get around to it.
  3. Finish 5 computer games.  Seems a good one to stick at.  Not least because I bought three on Steam this month alone, I've got a couple more from Games With Gold on the Xbox and the sales on the Vita are always horribly tempting (I've got a few games on that I haven't even started).  Hopefully I can manage to finish off at least as many next year as I did this year.  (And maybe finish Marathon 1 and 2 again, and actually complete 3 without getting lost/confused/more lost.  And when I say lost, I mean my sense of direction in that game is bloody awful.)
  4. Take up more crafting.  It's not just metalwork and jewellery any more.  Now I have dolls, I'd like to learn to sew better and design clothes for them (but I'd like to make jewellery for them too), and Milos needs two faceups doing which involves pastels and paint, and he needs his elf ears creating, and...
  5. And lastly, on the subject of dolls, limit myself to only one more doll this year.  And that would have to be a good Alex, because Milos 'needs' one.  He has no radiator in his room, after all, and who else will keep him warm?

So there we go, last year's goals accounted for and this year's set.  Has anyone else succeeded (or failed) in last year's resolutions / goals?  Or are you planning on setting some this year?

1 comment:

  1. I like your goals. Except the not share part of the stories. >.> I started up ROW-80 in April. It seems to be helping with some things.


Comments always welcome!