
Sunday, 21 September 2014

Pinup Boy Sunday - Admiral Fayth

This is rapidly turning into a two-weekly feature, isn't it?  The irony is, it's not the time it takes to render the image--it's the time it takes to render it again, and again, and again, until the lighting looks good and as little looks weird as possible (which in my case is the most time-consuming part; I always miss something).

Still, it's a good thing I enjoy it!

Today's pin-up is Admiral Fayth, the protagonist and all-round force of nature from The Rose Queen.

Fayth lives his life from his shuttle, quite literally: he eats, sleeps and works from it, hunting down property that is, if not already lost, then is likely to be in the foreseeable future.  Fayth is a thief, and he'd like to think he's damn good at it too (as well as being the hottest misappropriator of goods this side of eternity, of course).  That's why he gets hired for obscure jobs... like finding a certain gardener and returning them to their rightful owner.

Shame it all goes horribly wrong, really.  Still, every cloud has a silver lining, right?

As to the gun?  Well, he wouldn't want to brag... too much.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Pinup Boy Sunday - The Rose Queen

Possibly as punishment for being so happy last week that I could finally render images in a timely manner, this week's image took around a week to render, which is why I missed last week's posting.  Not a week continuously, no.  The main body of the picture, however, took around 25 hours solid to complete.  I then discovered some issues that needed correcting, so without the hanging and foreground plants, the image took around 7 hours per pass to render, and had to be re-rendered twice to fully correct everything.

Of course, none of this would have been possible at all on my laptop, so perhaps it was less of a punishment and more to prove a point.  So, therefore, after a week's unintentional hiatus...

Today's pin-up is The Rose Queen, from my project of the same name.

The Rose Queen—which is his title, not his name, but his name is something he guards jealously and dislikes announcing, instead most commonly going by the name of "RQ"—is sometimes a quiet and unassuming man, but not incapable of defending himself or standing up for himself verbally.  He is intrinsically a good man...

...but if he really wanted, if he really knew what he could do, then absolutely nothing in the galaxy could stop him.