
Friday, 29 November 2013

How Do You Prefer To Read Fiction Online?

How do you prefer to read original fiction?  It's a bit of a random question, made slightly more so by the fact I was halfway around Tesco when I thought of it--which goes to show just how much of my shopping is done on autopilot.

But the more I thought about it (still shopping on autopilot), the more I found myself curious.  I think it was mostly because I was itching to finish up and get home so I could read a short story by a webcomic author I like, but that in turn reminded me that said story is hosted on their SmackJeeves page which has the irritating habit of checking I'm a legal adult too often for my liking--although I suppose having an account might help.  (The story is for the very gorgeous m/m webcomic Devoto: Music In Hell, by the way, and the short story is here.)

I'm way over being a legal adult, for the record.  I don't even get IDed in stores when buying alcohol any more, which makes me sadder than it ought.

That, in turn, made me think about how Dreamwidth displays stories on mobile devices--as I've been using my Nexus 7 to fact-check existing Unravel AU stories with my NaNoWriMo project--and (by this point at the frozens section) I got to wondering about whether people prefer to read stories on blogs like this, on separate sites like Wordpress, Tumblr, Dreamwidth etc., or on their mobile device separately, where they might be able to carry it around with them to, say, read while loitering by the freezers staring blankly at Christmas frozens.

How do you prefer to read original fiction online?
  free polls 

I'm one of those irritating people who loves asking obscure questions, so I really do appreciate and love answers.  Basically, I'd love to hear from you.  If I've not listed a way that you use / prefer, please tell me.  Whether it makes an immediate difference to how I post is another matter--I'm notoriously lazy, I'm afraid--but I'm definitely interested to find out and it probably will help me (and maybe other people, who knows?) decide how to approach things in the future.

Also, if you have any opinions on colour schemes for online fiction, I'd find those interesting too.  Black text on white background?  White text on black background?  Something that's neither of those on something else that's neither of those?  It's more for personal curiosity, but again it might come in handy somewhere down the line.

Only slightly tangentially I might have some more stories done eventually, for that minority that reads them; yesterday I clocked over 50,000 words in NaNoWriMo and menial chores around the house may have helped me figure out how to finish the story.  That and a challenge to write more in general may actually yield online fiction...

At some point.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Meet My Desk: Celty

You thought I'd run out of these, hadn't you?

You'd be right.  I had.

However!  My little technological family expanded recently, so I'd like to introduce you all to my new Windows Surface tablet, Celty.

Celty was originally called Shizuo, mostly due to the fact that I'm unsure if it comes under the heading of laptop or tablet--most larger technical items are male, small ones like Lydia and Lucy are (surprise surprise) female.  But after using her for a while, I've concluded that she's female, thus necessitating a name change.  (I'll admit here that I couldn't actually tell you why she's female, she just... feels it, so female she now is.  Hey, I never claimed to be entirely sane, did I?  ...did I?)

I recommend DRRR!!, even if you're not normally a fan of anime.

As to why 'Celty', well... that's quite a hard one to explain, but let's just say she makes an admirable headless horsewoman, she's silent to run (but no occasional neighing or hoofsteps unless I start modifying the sounds) and she's very fast for typing on.  She can certainly stand up for herself, as can the tablet as it has one built in (hey, I never claimed to be a pun master).  Whether she emanates a shadowy substance... well, perhaps that depends on your opinion of Microsoft.

It's been an interesting experience trying to get the hang of Windows 8.1 RT, especially since it's already quite different to the version of Windows RT that comes preinstalled but I'm starting to get used to it now... I think.

The biggest surprise has been, of all things, how easy it is to type with the on-screen keyboard, I wasn't expecting to be able to reach the kind of speeds I do although I'm not sure how it'd be to use with longer nails.  Probably a little problematic, like Lydia the Nexus.  However, the touch keyboard is nice too, albeit a little odd--and yet I'm not sure how it is, because it's only like typing on the screen, but I suspect I keep expecting it to feel like an actual, physical keyboard like Sixteen's, rather than for it to be flat.

I'm looking forward to getting to know her better, but I think it's already been a pretty good meeting so far.

Even if I have already discovered my new procrastination fuel in the form of Taptiles.

Still, can't be all work, can it?